CME Guidelines

Guidelines for continuing medical education (CME)

” The CCFP hereby establishes criteria for CME certification with which each member of the college is expected to comply “

  • Each CCFP member is required to achieve a minimum of 50 hours annually and on completion of 150 hours, an accreditation certificate will be given to said member.
  • A CME accreditation form will be sent to each member annually, and on completion, the said form should be sent to the CCFP secretariat as soon as possible.

CME credits will be awarded for the following:

Group learning activities (50-100% of all credit hours)

  • Formal courses in a recognized teaching institution.
  • Clinical meetings, symposia & workshops.
  • Medical seminars arranged by a professional association.
  • Lectures by medical experts.

Individual learning activities (50% of all credit hours)

  • Audiotapes, videotapes & lectures via satellite, medical television, uwidec, and the internet (up to 10% of total CME).
  • Medical journals (up to 10% of total CME).
  • Presentation and/or publication of original papers at medical meetings or medical journals (up to 50% of total CME).
  • Participation in journal clubs, study groups etc. (up to 50% of total CME). 

The number of credits ascribed per hour of involvement in each activity:

 AGP/CCFP/MAJ sponsored events 1 credit/hour
 Medical seminars arranged by a professional association 1 credit/hour
 Clinico-pathological conferences (CPC) 1 credit/hour
 Educational meetings outlined in hospital schedule 1 credit/hour
 Accident & emergency conferences 1 credit/hour
 UWIDEC & overseas conferences 1 credit/hour
 Journal club ¼ credit/hour
 Publications 4 credits/publication
 Presentations at meetings 4 credits/hour of presentation
 Audio/video tapes 1 credit/hour
 Teaching ward rounds ¾ credit/hour
 Community work (voluntary) 2 hours/year